Videon – A video streaming android app with admin panel


Videon is built with native Java in Android Studio. It’s an android video application. It has an admin panel by which admin can publish video to the app. Admin can publish video by uploading video or Youtube/Vimeo link. Admin can also provide live streaming video of Youtube. It offers more than 22 screens and all are fully designed. Videon offers all required features, which can fulfill any modern application. It’s easy to screen as per your needs. It follows all the standards to fulfill the user’s requirements.

Full-Feature Overview

  • More than 22 screens
  • Youtube / Vimeo / mp4 video
  • Live streaming from youtube
  • Google Interstitial Admob
  • Google Banner Admob
  • UI Material Design
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to customize
  • Super friendly code
  • Well commented code
  • Basics knowledge for setup
  • Equip with all modern features

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